Sunday, August 8, 2010

Age... is it a number or a state of mind?

Someone once said on their 40th birthday that they were glad to be turning 40 and that the 30's were the hardest years of their lives. Imagine my suprise, at the time I wasnt even close to 30. I pondered this thought because I've always looked forward to being another year older. For me ,you see, it was a number in hopes to finally match what I felt inside. From a young age, I was told I had an 'old soul', I never " fit in" with those my age. Aside from my few high school friends, everyone was older. Each year that passed, I failed to realize that those older friends too would be embracing age also. Their children finishing high school, as mine were awaiting to be born. Now their children are moving away and mine should be starting school. They are celebrating 20+ year marriages to my upcoming 10. Is age a number, a mindset, or a life event? I wish I knew, I just pray one day everyone can be accepted for who they are and not what their age or their life situation.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Friends dont let friends die without Jesus!

I saw this saying on a church marquee today. It got me thinking. We are advocates for or against so many things:
Drinking and driving
Texting and driving

So many things we support proudly without hesitatation. Do we support Jesus with the same Passion? To whom without dying for us we could not/ would not be free.I'm not saying its bad, I'm just saying that I know many people who can boast and vent or passionately defend many organizations but turn a blind eye to the word of God. I know how someone feels about our President before I know their religious views. Why do we hide behind things of this world when its only a temporary place. I'm all for making this life safe and enjoyable, but do it to bring God glory and not because you think its gonna right a wrong. It's not and its not our responsibility to do so. Everyone will have a day of judgement and its not the one sitting on a stand waiting for a group of peers to say guilty. It's not the guilt one has that makes them do unthinkable things. No its the one when we see Jesus and he says, " Come, you who are blessed" or " Depart from me, you who are cursed."
( Matthew 25:34&41)
Our responsibility is to choose what words we want to hear and why we do the things we do. For our glory or His....
With all this said know I have many friends who stand on the side of not knowing God and even if you don't want it I pray daily for your salvation. It's never to late and nothing you have done is beyond Gods grace and he will forgive you if you ask. Know that Jesus died for your sins so that you may live. There is no other way into heaven except Jesus. When you accept Him into your heart, the old is wiped clean and you are new. You might not feel it right away but you know how a place in heaven and an open line of communication has been established between you and God.Use it. God bless.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Something Pastor Dale says frequently has been hanging on me the past couple of days. When we tell our kids negative things like ," you won't amount to anything" then in fact we are setting them up for exactly that. I'm completly paraphrasing here. However what has stuck with me more is a message on discouragement by Charles Stanley.( once again paraphrasing to explain what God spoke over my life).
We do the same things to ourselves. We think we are saving ourselves from being disappointed, but in reality we are discouraging ourselves.
" I won't get the job, I'm not qualified enough."
" What can happen now?"
" He/she is to good for me."
" I don't deserve this."

The list could go on and on. In my life I had a motto to expect the worse and be suprised over the best. This was me keeping myself from disappointments. Boy was I wrong. If we continue to keep our minds in the negative then it will manifest in our lives. When we accept Christ he changes our hearts and our minds. Some people feel this instantly and others it takes a while. Personally I got it instantly but as life events occurred and I grew further away from God in my walk self took over "protecting" and my mind once again became filled with negative. The enemy had snuck in when I wasn't paying attention. Honestly at the time I didn't care. I was saved, new I was saved, and that's all that mattered right? Ouch... yes I once felt that way... Thank God He had mercy on me, that He loved me and believed in me enough to show me the error of my ways. To fill my heart and make his PRESENCE be known to me in my life.