Friday, July 31, 2015

Why I Facebook!

I've been thinking alot lately about when my first two kiddos were babies, before Facebook land. A land of journals and blogs and mindless 2 minute phone conversations or 5 word text, because that's all you really have time for. I'm older now and a little more experienced but you know what I remember most about those days aside from the craziness, the joy and the long sleepless nights? I remember feeling alone, disconnected. I would have been too had it not been for an amazing chat board. Fast forward 2 years and my first Facebook post was of my last kiddo in the hospital, just after she was born. I started it just so I could share her pictures with our church family but what I found was that I was not alone. Now keep in mind I'm not talking about being physically alone. I'm talking about emotionally alone, like no one understands. I remember others telling me, in person, that they love reading my Facebook. It makes them laugh. I remember reading when another moms child had yet another explosion while having to fix leaky pipes, and when another mom woke up to find their child, the crib, and the walls covered in poop. I've cried while another mom had to hold her son down for a test, I've prayed as children have had surgery. How is it possible to feel alone in a world so big? Easy! Some people just are not "talkative" people and really does the lady behind you in Walmart want to hear about your kids lost tooth? Unless she's got a buggy full of kiddos herself, probably not! Facebook has become a family of friends, some family and some friends. It's become a way to share with others that they too are not alone in the world of motherhood. I laugh at my friends post when one child is covered in crayon, another climbing in the fridge, while one is chasing the dog while grabbed ahold of his tail butt naked! It makes me remember those crazy times I've had with my kids. It helps for other moms to share with me that they relate to those days when the kids just will not listen for anything. Kids are going to be kids and that's okay! So, Moms put the kids to bed, lock yourself in the bathroom, or hide in the car for 5 minutes with the radio blaring and Facebook away! We understand, we really really do!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. I often find myself feeling alone with all that is going on. I also blog for this reason!
